Sir - Who decides how much our MHDC Councillors are worth ?. Our "leader" Cllr Hughes has decided he is worth another £2500 a year which increases his allowance to £25,000 a year , this for a man who has failed in his prime duty of representing the electorate in his ward by voting through the housing developments which are taking place left ,right and centre in Leigh Sinton , his argument being that his Conservative Government will make him do it anyway so what is the point of him objecting to the developments.

However his Deputy , Cllr Swinburn , takes the biscuit with a 70% increase in his allowance to take it to £17850 per year . Even some of the lesser Councillors are getting an extra £1500. It does seem the electorate appear to have no say in what any of the Councillors grant themselves , I wonder why ?

Whilst this is going on the council employees who actually do the work are being granted , I uinderstand , a 1% wage increase. I thought we paid our taxes for the services provided not for Councillors.

mark starr

leigh sinton