SIR – When I was out of work and on benefits it was not the fact I did not want a job, the fact was I was told at Jobseekers I could not go for this job, that job or any of the courses.

Every week for two-and-a-half years, every week the same old story.

The staff at Jobseekers were not a bit helpful.

They said I had not been out of work long enough to apply for the above and being at YMCA through unseen circumstances did not help.

I had always worked hard and very long hours in factories and farm work.

How long does anyone have to be out of work before you can apply for a job or get one?

I did not waste my time while at the YMCA – I worked on their allotment most of every week.

I attended courses and received approximately 20 certificates.

I got a job at £125 per week.

I removed myself from the YMCA. Each week I had to pay rent, electric, gas, council tax, water rates, food, if I had anything left after paying out that amount.

But I did it by myself with no other help, so it can be done.

