SIR – I have found my kindred spirit! It was with great joy I read John Phillpott’s contribution in Saturday’s “Your Weekend”.

For the last few months I have been banging on to anyone who would listen to me about cars parking on the pavements and blocking dropped kerbs.

I felt like I had morphed into Victor Meldrew.

I have contacted the police several times about this issue and it’s quite obvious that they aren’t interested, they couldn’t even be bothered to answer my last e-mail, and when you do happen to see one about – if you can manage to stop them that is – their eyes glaze over and they start looking over your shoulder, so end of that conversation.

Even a knock at the door, just as a courtesy call, would have been nice. I only live 200 yards away from my local station.

This brings me nicely onto the other issue John raised about lack of visible officers patrolling our streets and enforcing the laws that are already in place. It does seem very much when it suits!

I even contacted the council and after three weeks they wrote to tell me their enforcement officers couldn’t do anything – so what do they do then?

As for missile-cyclists, not really been a problem for me, but I’m probably larger than they are, so perhaps prudent to give me a wide berth because they would come off worse .

Having said all this I did make contact with Dawn Wallace, from Tolladine policing, and she was very nice and promised to take action for me, so watch this space!

If you want a job doing, ask a woman, but that’s another story.

Anyway, John, keep up the good work, you always make me smile with your comments.

