SIR – The Government has announced that henceforth, women prisoners will be imprisoned as close to their homes as possible, so that they will not be too far from their children, and can enjoy family visits.

So why are family men not being given the same consideration?

Do they not love their children too, or is this simply par for the Government course, where fathers are routinely considered to be somehow less important than mothers in the lives of their children? It happens every day in our so-called ‘family courts’, so why should prisons be any different?

Sexism remains rife in 21st century Britain, but now men are its victims!

There was a piece aired on the BBC’s Radio 4 news about what is deemed inappropriate or sexist behaviour, and a woman was explaining what is and is not appropriate.

So is this what it has come to, men being instructed on how they must behave by the politically-correct notions of a handful of elite women?

What, I wonder, happened to all that equality we’ve heard so much about?