SIR – I was one of the unfortunate supporters who witnessed Jonathan Thomas and the Easybeats playing at Sandy Park.

Our collection of also-rans, nonentities and has-beens contrived to make a team of journeymen look world beaters.

Exeter Chiefs, to their credit, work exceptionally hard for each other and were keen to make the hard yards and the break.

As behoves a team coached by Rob Baxter they are very streetwise and played the referee to a tee. We played with inept indifference.

I find it difficult to imagine any other team in the league playing any worse and it is clear at this stage that relegation is inevitable and if we are to avoid a financial disaster too, decisions need to be taken now.

Players who are well beyond their best before date need to be paid off.

The nonentities should be loaned to anyone who will pay them and we should sack the hangers-on who seem to abound the club wearing our suits and ties.

However, I fear that the board who brought us Richard Hill from obscurity in France do not seem to be able to act in the best interests of the Warriors.

He gained promotion but with Goode, Mullen, Sanderson, Rawlinson, Taumopeau and Kitchener etc at his disposal.

It would have been difficult not to have won the Championship.

He nearly did fail as those who watched the Bedford semi-final will testify.

The Blues are another side of journeymen who are coached to play with flair and determination.

Back in the Premierships it was soon clear that Richard Hill was out of his depth but thanks to the ineptitude at Newcastle we just survived.

The board then allowed him to recruit some friends as part-time coaches etc and the downward spiral continued.

The board acting with the same inept indifference allowed Richard Hill to recruit the present team and whilst some of our young stars voted with their feet we allowed our only class player (Goode) to depart.

Dean Ryan and his team of coaches has no chance with this lot of players.

The sum total of the “talents” is lower than any other set of players we have ever employed at the top level – and some of our Championship contending sides of 1997-2004 would have beaten this lot.

I am a debenture member of longstanding and this year against my better judgement renewed at a cost of £1,800.

I have a guest for Friday against Bath and I will bring friends to see Saracens play at Christmas but I doubt I will be able to find the motivation to attend any other games.

I have a dread that my expenditure for the next two seasons will see me watching the Wanderers because professional rugby at Sixways will not exist.

What a waste!

Wake up guys, you have lost the plot.