SIR – On October 18 I left physio at Worcestershire Royal Hospital having had a shoulder operation... but I don’t actually remember leaving the hospital!

I am a type one insulindependent diabetic wearing an insulin pump. I have many complications but my main being that I am a very fragile diabetic, I am unaware and have no symptoms of dangerously low blood sugars.

Apparently I staggered out of the hospital grounds looking very unstable and ill and ended up staggering down Newtown Road, obviously trying to get home.

I collapsed onto the road totally unaware of anything going on around me.

I am told many people saw me before my collapse and were watching me worried for my safety but I must have looked high on drink or drugs and barely able to walk or talk.

I would like to thank the kind gentleman who had been watching and, when I collapsed, rang for an ambulance and ran to help me.

My husband, children and myself are so grateful as this can kill me it is so severe.

Thanks to the 999 caller, paramedics, resuscitation team in A&E and anyone else that showed me great kindness that day.

JANIE WOOD Worcester