SIR – The article by Tom Edwards (Worcester News, October 22) on the proposals for cuts to the fire service is alarming.

It has been intimated that the brigade attends fewer fires than hitherto, but this should not be a reason for such radical thinking.

Many more fires today are major because of the everincreasing use of chemicals.

We also hear daily of firepersons attending serious motor accidents, and the number of vehicles on the roads is increasing.

Cuts may be needed, but to reduce the level of manpower to less than the strength at the time of the 2007 floods is preposterous.

The climatic change is a fact, as Paul Damari was warning us long before his retirement, and who knows that the 2007 level will not be superceded.

All six Conservative MPs are right to be concerned, but it is to be hoped that they will implore the Government to increase the poor settlement allocated to our local fire authority.