SIR - I must take issue with Mr Wood in his recent letter "A generation will miss out on sport" (Letters December 2) where he suggests that the residents of Evendine Close are against development of the Battenhall sports pitches.

Sadly he has obviously not read the previous correspondence fully or acquainted himself with our protest points.

If he had, he would know that we are not - and have never been - against development of the sports facilities.

For myself having played hockey until my mid 50s I would be delighted to see more constructive use being made of the fields and our youth encouraged into greater sports participation.

The university is proposing a major facility which will benefit a large number of people but at the same time have a significant impact on the area. The project and its impact need to be thought through in order to arrive at the most suitable and effective solution and to give the city a facility to be proud of.

We do not consider that this has been done yet. In particular we do not consider that the question of access to an enlarged site has been thought through adequately.

The proposed entrance via Evendine Close would be both unsuitable and inappropriate.

Unsuitable because of the difficulty in turning vehicles including emergency vehicles off a narrow and often congested cul-de-sac, and inappropriate and potentially dangerous because it is feeding additional traffic through an area already heavily congested at school times.

There are other more suitable access points which have not yet been properly considered. These should not be discounted merely because they would cost more.

What we are saying is that it's only going to be done once. Let's think it through and get it right first time, so that in one or five years time people don't say "why didn't they do this?" or "how did they let them do that?". That is not Nimbyism. That is proper planning.

Denis Bennett, Worcester.