SIR – In response to the headline story ‘Worcester firm offers 50 jobs - and gets no applications’ (October 11) – I received an e-mail from my personal advisor at the Jobcentre on 10th October at 10.35am requesting that candidates for warehouse vacancies should register at Consistent Personnel’s office at 1pm.

The notice given was very short.

However, the headline gave the impression that local jobseekers simply do not want to work.

This impression was reinforced by a ‘Fair Point’ article by Gema Bate titled ‘Don’t moan – just go out and get a job’ (October 15), in which she referred to ‘work-shy city jobseekers’.

I believe that such articles, and recent documentaries such as Channel 5’s On Benefits and Proud, serve the government’s agenda to roll back vital state support and turn working poor on unemployed poor.

In the meantime, the people who caused the financial crisis, tax avoiders, energy companies and so on carry on getting richer at our expense.

Surely our anger ought to be directed at them, and surely we ought to acknowledge that the vast majority of unemployed people want to work and want to earn a living wage.

Neil Laurenson
