SIR – I think the Worcester News and its readers could help each other on this one.

There are lots of good ideas for avoiding the waste of food. I have three good tips:

1) Cut stale bread into roughly 1cm cubes. Toss in a little oil, sprinkle with seasoning and spread out onto a baking sheet. Bake in the oven and remove them when golden brown – about 15 - 20 mins. Let them cool and then store in a box; you have made tasty, crispy croutons to enjoy with salads or soups, or even as a snack on their own.

2) If you have leftover chips, store them in a box in the freezer. Next time you want chips for supper, heat up your oil and refry those leftovers – they’ll be even better than the first serving.

3) Broccoli and cauliflower stalks and other veg trimmings and leftovers can be chopped up, cooked with stock and blended into delicious vegetable soups.

My favourite is broccoli and blue cheese soup.

There must be lots of other good ideas out there!

Sue Farr
