SIR – As a regular user of our city centre post office, I have often observed while walking through St Swithin’s Street, few taxi cabs actually occupy the former disabled parking area.

Being fully mobile, as are the majority, this is something we the fortunate would possibly not give a second thought to!

However, it did make me contemplate, if I were a car owner of limited mobility wishing to visit a high street bank, where in fact could I park?

Defined spaces were discovered near Lloyds.

However, on closer examination, a percentage of these were occupied by vehicles not displaying an obligatory Blue Badge.

A walk for the able, down the passage into Trinity Street, to discover the only vacant spaces reserved for goods vehicles!

My conclusion? If I were a disabled driver I would find authorised plots unobtainable.

In desperation, would I have to consider illegally parking in one of those under-utilised areas dedicated to commercial and hackney carriage operators, risking attention from a overzealous traffic warden and hefty fine? If councillors happen to read this, forgive me for stating the obvious; instead of three specific parking categories, why not simply have sectors shared?

Alternatively, would I simply return home and phone a cab?

