SIR – I am writing in disgust at the attitude shown by Worcester City Council towards parking in Worcester for tradesmen earning a living.

I was called out to disconnect a catering van in High Street on Sunday, October 20, bearing in mind I have to carry tools and have materials to use.

I parked nearby, out of the way near Barclays Bank, not causing obstruction to emergency services or the public, but I got a parking ticket.

Now I know some people park illegally and know it, but how does Worcester City Council expect people to earn a living?

Parking in Worcester is a joke to anyone, but to a contractor even worse.

The traffic warden should have used her discretion and asked how long I was going to be, because I was working only six feet away from my van wiring the catering van next to Barclays.

But, oh no, no discretion at all. I am absolutely furious with the regulations.

I hope the Guildhall never has an emergency call out by a plumber or electrician or whoever, because all the tradesmen will be in fear to turn up. I am in utter disgust at this unbelievable attitude.

