SIR – I was browsing through the Sunday papers dated October 20 when I saw the article on the alleged sexual assaults that took place in Manchester in an around the university.

I think this was no coincidence and brought to mind something that happened earlier in the week.

I was coming out of the town centre along Tolladine Road on my scooter, from Lowesmoor to its junction with Sherriff Street. The path is very narrow and quite dark under the bridges.

I caught up with a young girl probably aged about 18 to 20 judging by her style of clothes. When I got close enough I called out to ask her if I could go past and there was no response.

I shouted louder and louder four or five times and still no reaction. I shouted as loud as I could but not a flinch, so I resorted to blasting my horn several times – and it is loud – still no response!

A chap on a bike rode past laughing, saying he could hear me down the road.

In desperation I got my umbrella and poked her on the arm to attract her attention – still no reaction!

This got me thinking, what if I had been someone with evil intentions? This girl was totally oblivious to me or her surroundings. I could have mugged her or, God forbid, sexually assaulted her, even raped. Yes, it was broad daylight but that hasn’t stopped anyone with real intent yet.

This total lack of personal awareness is disturbing.

Her life could have changed in a heartbeat and all because she had earphones in, then a beanie hat and finally her hood up, rendering her effectively on another planet. It’s this habit of youngsters today. Boys as well as girls are always wired for sound.

That is a magnet for any variety of lowlife to pick out a victim with apparent ease and target known areas like colleges and universities.

I was, and still am, very careful about personal safety and nagged my daughter relentlessly about being aware of who is around.

It’s as a mother I felt very concerned about this young girl I encountered that day.

Evenings are getting darker so we should all remind our children that there are people out there who would wish to do harm.

Life is precious and can change in an instant.

Yvonne Carter
