SIR – Steve Davis is absolutely right (Homes plan should be stopped in its tracks, Worcester News, September 11). Sadly politicians won’t listen where more profits for the rich in the City of London are concerned.

Their plans for another 30,000 homes around Worcester are stark raving bonkers, as are their plans for millions more homes across our country to house millions more immigrant families.

According to the Worcester News we have Worcester mums begging from food banks for their children because they can’t afford to buy it.

What sort of plonkers plan to concrete over three-and-a- half square miles of farmland in and around Worcester when people in our city can’t afford to buy food?

It’s not just Worcester. Six-hundred square miles of England are going to be carpeted with concrete to house millions more immigrants over the next few decades.

Just days ago I watched someone explain the latest round of energy price increases as a consequence of China’s exponential economic growth.

I watched another BBC presenter with his own programme say we were desperately short of housing.

These clowns couldn’t manage their way out of a paper bag. We are not short of houses.

Our problem is we have double the number of people we can cope with.

If these idiots can see that Chinese demand is slewing the demand profile for global energy, how come these same idiots can’t see China is also slewing the demand profile for global food resources?

I have warned and warned again that our world cannot produce enough food to feed the ten billion people our planet will have by 2050.

We have to import more than half our food at global market prices.

What happens when food prices rise beyond the reach of millions of our people?

What happens when our supermarket shelves are empty?

The figures I quote have one message.

Unless we can more than double the quantity of food our world produced in 1998 we face starvation, as the world’s population increases by a billion per decade.

So why is our Government pouring millions more people into our nation, and concreting over farmland as fast as they can for ‘growth’?

The only answer to that is they are stark raving bonkers! Who but madmen would concrete over 600 square miles of farmland for millions more houses, when the Mirror’s headline on October 1 was ‘Britain’s hungry children’.

Why in 21st century Britain do 800,000 schoolchildren go to school each day so hungry they steal food from other pupils?

That, like our totally unsustainable new housing, is another question our councillors and MPs will totally ignore!

