SIR – Once again we witness an increase in gas and electric, and once again many old aged pensioners and people on low wages will be left with a stark choice – heat thier homes or feed their families.

This is Great Britain 2014.

Both this government and the previous Labour one have done nothing to halt the greed of these power giants, whose only interests are to put profits first.

David Cameron simply shrugs his shoulders and says people can change suppliers. Really? Once one supplier puts up their prices within weeks the rest follow like sheep, so where is the advantage in that?

Why are people paying standing charges to use energy, those who use little or reduce amounts to save money are targeted in this way. Why should anyone have to pay a standing charge to remain connected? Energy is not a luxury!

Both the energy giants and the Government will have blood on their hands of any pensioner or poor person that cannot heat their home and freezes to death.

Everyone has a vote at election time and 2015 is drawing very close, so use your vote to vent your anger at a government that simply does nothing to care.

