SIR – I see that Councillor Mathew Jenkins (letters, October 10) has fallen into the trap of classing a reduction in benefits because of lack of entitlement to a form of tax.

I am sure that no government wants to continue paying benefits when it’s no longer entitled.

If he would like to know about the true bedroom tax let me inform him.

We are pensioners paying council tax to his council for a three-bedroom house when in fact we only require one bedroom.

Of course, you would say downsize, but then I can come up with the same reasons that those in social housing put up when that is suggested.

So in fact, councillor, I am really paying a tax on unused bedrooms in my house and you also want me to pay out of my other taxes for unused bedrooms in other people’s homes also.

A double bedroom tax. So when you ask for fairness I am all in favour.

Remove my bedroom tax if you remove the social housing bedroom tax.

