SIR - How heartily I agree with John Philpott in his article "Rudeness extends to the elderly" (Seven Days, December 2).

As a compulsive writer, I am well aware of the impossibility of pleasing everyone even though I may try.

Those who have other opinions are perfectly entitled to express them through the same medium and be assured of an appropriate response.

People who resort to other approaches are generally aware of the futility of the tactics of verbal debate when applied to the written word.

For this reason I do not allow myself to be drawn into verbal argument or discussion, even though I may be sorely tempted.

One of my long standing critics tells me I write a load of rubbish which he does not bother to read because I use too many long words he does not understand.

Until he puts his argument into writing I refrain from the obvious rejoinder that my contributions are only intended for those who have learned to read and write.

John Hinton, Worcester