SIR – Re the letter by Joy Squires ‘Who is Mark Garnier trying to kid’ (Worcester News, August 23).

She wrote: “In 2010 under Labour the economy was well out of recession and growing at 1.6 per cent, unemployment was falling and inflation was well under control.”

May I please point out the words “and then Labour ran out of money” are missing!

Our previous Labour government was a disaster for us ordinary folk.

I hope the letter left by a Labour Minister, for an incoming minister which read, “There’s no money left, ha, ha, ha!” hangs around Labour’s neck, like the reeking albatross from the Ancient Mariner.

Much of what our coalition Government has had to do stems from the £1 trillion of debt Labour left behind.

How long did it take Labour to come up with the words “quantitative easing” to explain away another Labour devaluation of our currency?

And what right did they have to rob the people of their wealth by simply printing the hundreds of billions they could no longer raise in taxes, because they had allowed the banks to go broke?

Labour was a government of spin merchants with a hatred of anyone that disagreed with them.

And thanks to Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and the current Labour front bench, I don’t think there’s much chance of Labour getting back into power.

