SIR – The Worcester News asked for views on changing the name of Warndon Villages.

May I say that this is nothing more than discrimination.

Yes, the two areas [Warndon and Warndon Villages] are worlds apart, but whose fault is it?

People who want the change of name... for example, councillors.

These people should be doing something about these areas of Warndon, especially Councillor Alan Amos.

I can assure you not all of Warndon Villages is that good and don’t forget that some of the people living in Warndon Villages were brought up in Warndon.

Warndon Villages has been built in the area of Warndon Wood and has been known as this for many years, long before the houses were built.

I feel Coun Andy Roberts (Worcester News, August 17) is wrong.

People know where they are going to live and the address before they move in. It was mentioned in the article that the hub was sending out wrong information; well, they need proper training.

Why should everything change for the sake of certain people?

We see this happening all the time in this country. It is time to say no.

