SIR – We are writing after attending Wychavon District Council planning committee meeting on June 20 where they approved the building of 256 houses on land adjoining Kilbury Drive.

We have never objected to these houses, all we ever asked was to be treated fairly. It was clear that the council was on the side of the developer.

The layout of all the houses along the boundary of Kilbury Drive was almost identical to the one rejected last year on the grounds of being cramped and contrived.

The layout of all the other houses on the development had been substantially improved. Despite many requests no improvements were made to the layout along Kilbury Drive.

Even some of Worcester City Council’s official objections on this issue were ignored.

Also a petition signed by 477 residents asking that only the rear elevations of the new houses should back onto Kilbury Drive was completely ignored.

It is very clear the developer discriminated against existing residents and Wychavon District Council did nothing to prevent them. The proven long standing flooding problems on this site were brushed under the carpet.