SIR – Your story ‘Neighbours call for bright future’ (Worcester News, April 20) correctly reports that concerns were expressed at the planning committee meeting about the proximity and overlooking issues associated with the proposed construction of 37 apartments in White Ladies Close, Worcester.

What the article does not explain is that the present proposal attempts to overcome those issues by installing obscure glazing to almost all the windows of six of the apartments so that the relevant planning guidelines would be those for flank (windowless) walls.

My comment at the meeting that the proposal would “condemn residents to obscurity” referred not to the residents of neighbouring properties but to the residents of the six apartments in question.

Siting the new building in accordance with the city council’s guidelines for a windowed wall (which is, of course, what it is) achieves two things – a welcome reduction in the overlooking of existing properties and unobscured views of the world for the elderly residents of the six northfacing apartments.

The bright future that I am seeking is for everyone.

