SIR – The proposal to convert the former Samaritans premises in Sansome Place, Worcester, into accommodation for up to six homeless people (Worcester News, April 22) is to be welcomed.

The homes will be for those at risk of homelessness – presumably for economic reasons.

As managing agent, Martyn Saunders, chief executive of WHABAC (Worcester Housing and Benefits Advice Centre), has made clear it will not be suitable for those with an alcohol or substance misuse problem.

Despite this, the uninformed opinions of those who oppose the scheme do them no credit.

The suggestion that homeless people are somehow responsible for a disproportionate amount of serious offending, including sexual offences, is completely without foundation and is highly prejudicial.

WHABAC has an outstanding local reputation and a proven track record of working with people at risk of homelessness, and there can be no doubt that their management of this initiative will reduce numbers on the streets, and the consequent social impact on our wider communities.



St Paul’s Hostel