SIR – Re your story ‘UKIP blunders hit election hopes in county’ (Worcester News, April 12.

I was sad to read the report understating UKIP’s achievement in providing candidates in Worcestershire.

UKIP has increased the number of candidates in the county elections from 13 (2009) to 42 (2013) and far from any congratulations, the Worcester News seeks to pour cold water over these efforts.

Nationally, the UKIP total number of candidates is 1,734, which is only 22 candidates short of the Lib/Dem total of 1,756.

As for last-minute problems with papers and administrative errors, you will find this problem with all parties.

For example, a Tory mistake in Surrey means only UKIP is fielding 100 per cent in that county’s 80 seats.

Rather sad for the Tories as they had a 2,500 majority in a seat which they are not now contesting.

I trust the Worcester News will give a more balance coverage of the election results.


MEP for the West Midlands