SIR – There was a whiff of hypocrisy in the air when Councillor Tom Wells told Worcester News readers (April 15) that people in Worcestershire are “being let down” by Worcestershire councils by stalling recycling rates.

He criticises councils as if his own Lib Dem party was not fully behind Labour’s decade of escalating landfill taxes which were specifically designed to force more recyclable materials out of landfill.

It has been established nationwide over some years that fortnightly kerbside collection of recyclables in a single container is a reliable way of increasing recycling at affordable cost.

Coun Wells needs to explain why he didn’t actually vote for this at Malvern Hills District Council recently.

He proposes forums across the county to publicise recycling which has already been publicised for two decades now.

The majority of residents in Worcestershire are exceptional recyclers – it is a very small minority who fail to engage.


Conservative candidate, Croome ward