SIR – Please, enough is enough. The Worcester News has become Groundhog Day and I’m going to have to stop buying the paper unless something is done.

Every week you subject us to John Phillpott’s full-page advertising feature for the Conservative party.

He doesn’t even bother to change the copy anymore.

Read one and you’ve read them all.

As if that isn’t enough, you then spend the next week regurgitating the whole thing through the letters of George Cowley.

Remove the words, “I agree with John Phillpott” from Mr Cowley’s correspondence and the man says absolutely nothing.

This would be laughable were it not for the fact that other letters are being kept out of the paper because of Mr Cowley’s sycophantic devotion to all things Phillpott.

The other day a lady wrote in to say how difficult it had been for her to get a letter published, yet you have no problem finding space for Messrs Phillpott and Cowley.

Is the editorial team really so devoid of ideas that they cannot think of other ways of filling space?

Let me suggest one – firstly, give George Cowley John Phillpott’s address, and vice versa, so that the two of them can correspond to their hearts’ content and leave the rest of us in peace.

Then you could scrap that Conservative party advert every Saturday and use the space for extra letters.

I’m sure Mr Phillpott would send in a letter or two – although we already know what he’ll say – and I’m sure that George Cowley will agree with him.

Please, enough is enough.

The Worcester News has become Goundhog Day..

whoops, sorry about that, but see what you’re doing to me?

