SIR – This once great nation is now no more than a thirdrate banana republic.

The three leaders of the Lib/Lab-Con party cannot agree over the Leveson findings The Tories have been outflanked by the other two on this.

This is as bad as this nation’s betrayal over the £53 million we give to the EU every day.

Then there’s the Green Party. They want to save the world with wind farms and give billions in overseas aid to countries that hate us or don’t need the money.

Elsewhere, we are running out of midwives in our hospitals and yet still more immigrants come in.

When you see what is going on in Cyprus – another EU directive – it is not surprisng that more and more people are turning to UKIP to get this nation going again.

The only policy to describe this damaging political downwards spiral by the Lib/Lab-Con party since the 1970s is salami cuts – a little bit at a time.

