SIR – Re the proposed probation service changes.

I echo the concerns of Councillor Chris Cawthorne ‘Oppose changes to the probation service’ (Worcester News, March 15) and would urge the public to oppose them.

While many do not know much about probation, it performs a vital public protection role against the harm caused to victims/communities by those who are either dangerous or who persistently offend.

Privatising much of this work will fragment service delivery and result in a very complex set of contracts that will be confusing and lack clarity about who is accountable when something goes wrong.

The risks are high and public protection will be compromised with this model The Government is rightly wanting to provide supervision to under 12- month prisoners but is dismantling the probation service to pay for this rather than building on the current arrangements. It also insists on national rather than local commissioning so the decisions about who delivers what will be removed from us locally.

No one doubts the current system could improve but the new arrangements are risky and dangerous, and there will be no local control. Managing offenders safely and properly is of paramount importance to us all so please make known to politicians your opposition now.

