SIR – I believe that John Phillpott is trying to bracket Green Party policy with the largely pro-European New Labour policies on Europe.

(Worcester News, March 2).

As he should know from our previous correspondence on this subject with this paper through the letters page, we recognise the value of the original post-Second World War goal to remove the threat of another war between European states.

However, we believe that these goals have been distorted by vested political and economic interests into a union dominated by economic interests, which lacks democratic control, and which promotes the goals of multinational corporations rather than people.

For the record, we believe that far too much power has already been given away to Europe. We have never been a supporter of the euro single currency and firmly believe that there should have been a UK-wide referendum on the Lisbon Treaty.

The Green Party is also committed to reforming the common agricultural and fishing policies that so often waste our money, food and resources.

LOUIS STEPHEN Worcester Green Party