Sir – With the current uncertainty regarding our future membership of the EU, it does make me contemplate what impact it would have on our everyday life if we do actually get the opportunity to have a referendum and make the break.

Will we revert to the pre-metric system of measurements, commonly used before joining the Common Market, as it was called at the time of our 1973 entry?

Would we see an end to the current confusing situation where beer or bottled milk is sold in pints, with other fluids sold in litres?

Could we witness the reintroduction of the imperial measurements of weight or the purchasing of fuel once again in gallons? I am sure this would be unpopular with whichever government was in power at the time, as a 5p tax increase on a litre does sound less severe than a 25p raise on a gallon.

Perhaps our news presenters will not assume the entire population are familiar with the term centimetres when forecasting the amount of snow about to fall or would they consider four inches less headline-grabbing than10cm?

Conversely, perhaps we should leave things as they are, considering the confusion it would create for our fellow Europeans who have come to our country or are about to in the near future.

Robin Smith
