So for this Well-being Wednesday, I’d like to draw your attention and focus to creativity.

There are heaps of quotes about creativity, and one of my favourite is by Einstein, where he said: "Creativity is intelligence having fun."

We are ALL creative in our own ways, yet I know many people who often say - I’ve not got a creative bone in my body! But they have.

There are lots of things that get in the way, time being one often quoted.

Our lives are often so busy, so taken up with work, children, chores, etc that we often feel we don’t have the time to be creative.

Creativity also takes many forms, it’s not just arts and crafts, but in cooking, hobbies, writing, gardening, engineering - you name it, without creativity we simply wouldn’t have evolved.

Dorothy Parker, an American poet, said: "Creativity is a wild mind and a disciplined eye".

So this month why not set yourself some YOU time to just be creative in whatever way you wish to try!

Below are some pictures of my creativity this year so far and all really helps my mental health.

So what are you waiting for?!

Clare is a born and bred Worcester resident, trainer, coach and author of two books.