TM LOGISTICS, based at Martley, near Worcester, has beaten off European competition to win an Excellence in Cost award from the world's leading manufacturer of

beverage cans.

Part of Taylors of Martley, TML was nominated by Rexam for one of its coveted supplier awards in recognition of the company's cost-effective work for Rexam's UK beverage can business based at Milton Keynes in Buckinghamshire.

Since winning the beverage can contract, TML has carried out extensive assessments of Rexam's transport operations and introduced a number of innovative changes resulting in a reduction in the firm's logistics costs.

Chief executive officer Stephen Taylor said: "We're delighted to have won this award and it's testament to the hard work our team has put in and the strong working relationship we've built with Rexam over the last 30 years.

"Our aim is always to provide excellent service, while keeping a firm eye on reducing costs to the customer.

"When we took over the Rexam contract, the core fleet was 15 drawbars.

"We reduced this to 11 and introduced service partners to do some of our set routes.

"We also identified that if we raised the internal height of our vehicles from 2.9m to

3.2m, it would enable our

customer to include an extra pallet layer per load.

"This resulted in a reduction of vehicle movements and considerable cost savings."

Savings have also been achieved by streamlining two operating centres into one at Milton Keynes.

Presenting the award, Rexam Beverage Can's European logistics director, Hugh Gallacher, congratulated TM Logistics.

He said: "We have a loyal and trusted supplier in TM Logistics. This award is proof that close working partnerships add real value."