A DOOR specialist has improved its training programme to help it recruit and keep staff.

Permadoor, which has factories in Malvern and Upton-upon-Severn, makes doors and is the UK's leading supplier to the social housing sector.

The company is reaping benefits of its rolling programme of NVQ training, delivered by the Learning and Skills Council through the Government's Train to Gain service.

Train to Gain, delivered by the West Midlands Brokerage Service, helps employers find suitable training providers, with the help of skills brokers.

Permadoor has been working with Telford College of Arts and Technology for its training. So far, nearly 60 of the company's 71 production employees have undertaken training.

Rob Millar, Permadoor's manufacturing manager, said: "We set it up as a way of getting new people into the company because we offer an NVQ qualification when we employ people and we're looking to retain people once they are trained.

"They get a five per cent pay allowance once they get an NVQ qualification.

"There is competition to employ good people, so we have to offer something that other employers do not."