WITH its doors open less than a month, Ombersley-based Lawton Blee, the brainchild of two local businesswomen, already has a string of satisfied clients in its portfolio.

A marketing agency with a difference, Lawton Blee has set its sights on improving company websites with creative and effective text.

The agency offers an imaginative website updating service.

"Businesses spend a fortune on the design and build of their websites and don't place enough emphasis on the text," said Jacquie Lawton.

"More to the point, they also fail to view their website as an investment and forget it has to be refreshed on a regular basis to ensure search engine optimisation.

"They might just as well pour their money down the drain."

Anne Blee said: "With the internet now the reference point of choice, company websites are a window to the world and, when used correctly, a significant marketing tool.

"Today's webwise individuals demand up-to-date information, coupled with a high degree of personalisation.

"Busy businesses need well-written websites which are updated regularly."

For more information on Lawton Blee call 01905 622277 or visit www.lawtonblee.co.uk