IT might have slipped your memory, but this week is national Water at Work Week, so here's an image to catch your attention.

It's published as sustainability experts Envirowise remind employers in Worcestershire that they should involve their staff in helping to reduce the significant amount of water which still goes to waste in workplaces every day.

Research has shown that UK businesses are tipping the financial equivalent of just under 40 bottles of champagne down the drain every minute in wasted water.

In Worcestershire, an Envirowise poll revealed that as many as 62 per cent of employees surveyed felt their employer was doing "nothing they were aware of" to address the issue of water wastage.

John Barraclough, regional manager for the West Midlands, said: "With water being wasted daily across bathrooms, kitchens and factory floors, it is vital employees are encouraged to be the eyes and ears of any business campaign to reduce water use.

"More than half of those surveyed in the West Midlands said they have seen evidence of water waste around their workplaces, including dripping taps, leaking pipes, hoses left running or dishwashers being run only half-full.

"Employers should ensure they make information available to staff on how they can help prevent and report incidents of waste."

The best ways to share information include using posters to raise workplace awareness, adding information to the staff intranet or newsletter, offering training on environmental topics and running staff initiatives or campaigns.

To help employers get started, Envirowise is inviting firms to sign up to its water efficiency campaign, the Big Splash, where companies can access free information packs, workshops and interactive tools, as well as a confidential telephone advice line.

Mr Barraclough said: "The results will be improved profitability and reduced environmental impact. Since the launch of the Big Splash in June 2004, we have helped UK businesses identify water-related cost savings worth more than £8 million. West Midlands companies should make sure they grab their share."

For more information about Water at Work Week or to register your interest in the Big Splash initiative, visit or call the advice line on 0800 585 794.