WORCESTER-based energy company npower is hoping more businesses follow its example to invest in volunteering. It believes companies offering their employees the opportunity to volunteer are helping more than the wider community, they are boosting profits.

Npower's attitude is that volunteering is more than a philanthropic pastime; it's at the heart of a successful business. Carol Hart, npower's community involvement manager, said: "Volunteering is not a marketing add-on. We operate an extensive programme, run in partnership with Community Service Volunteers, providing opportunities for our employees to develop their skills and make a positive contribution to the community."

Npower has recently been awarded a Silver Big Tick by Business in the Community for its npower Active programme, a community initiative run in partnership with the English Federation of Disability Sport and the Federation of Disability Sports organisations. As part of this, 10 volunteers from Worcester spent a day creating the first stages of a natural wildlife garden for Abbey Park First and Nursery School in Abbey Road, Pershore.

They moved debris, dug, planted and landscaped to create the school a "mini-beast" environment.