WORCESTER-based IT specialists Encription Limited has welcomed the launch of a new training and certification scheme.

Introduced by the TIGER Scheme, it provides career progression for professionals in the computer and network vulnerability testing industry and provides a means of independently certifying the skills of engineers who carry out these tests.

The scheme, which Encription director Campbell Murray is a founder member of, is run independently by a management committee comprising both public and private sector representatives who share a vested interest in maintaining standards and in meeting market requirements.

It creates a structured approach to the demonstration of skills and specialisations, and qualifications are awarded on the basis of a university-based examination.

Mr Murray, who is also a member of the management body that advises on the standards required, said: "Mention the word hacker and it's automatically assumed that this refers to the illegal variety - not surprising really as there are now some 100,000 malicious computer hackers operating worldwide and there are more than 16 million attempted hacker attacks worldwide every 24 hours.

"But there are a growing number of ethical' hackers who are fighting back, and working to protect their clients' IT systems and ultimately, their businesses.

"One of the issues we constantly face as ethical hackers is trying to assure businesses that we are operating legitimately so we are 100 per cent behind this scheme as it provides a means of validating the credentials and ability of service providers like ourselves and gives businesses added confidence when taking steps to make their systems secure."

Encription Limited is a member of the management committee and acknowledged as founder member of the scheme, which has also been approved by the information security industry and many other bodies.

For further information on encription and the TIGER testing initiative, visit www.encription.co.uk The website also offers a free test allowing you to check your system's security. You can also call 01905 754440.