MORE than 600 jobs have been created or safeguarded in Worcestershire during the past 12 months thanks to foreign investment.

They form part of a record number in the West Midlands over the last three years, following the launch of a marketing campaign to boost the profile of the region.

Figures released by regional development agency Advan-tage West Midlands (AWM) show that in Worcestershire in the financial year 2006-2007, 318 new jobs were created as a result of foreign investment and another 296 safeguarded.

AWM - which is responsible for working overseas to promote the region and generate investment - was directly involved in projects which resulted in 1,879 jobs being created and 211 safeguarded across the region.

This means that in the three years since the launch of the West Midlands regional marketing campaign, 11,364 jobs have been created or safeguarded by AWM, the best three-year series since the agency was formed in 1999.

The marketing campaign is aiming to improve perceptions of the region internationally, focusing on the West Midlands' strengths as a place to do business.

Taxis presenting the message to business people in Paris, Brussels and Gothen-burg will soon be appearing as part of the latest phase of the agency's campaign.

Among the successful projects involving the agency was the expansion of Canadian company Intier Automotive Interiors in Redditch, creating 290 new jobs and safeguarding another 80.

John Edwards, Advantage West Midlands chief executive, said: "Inward investment is a crucial element in the economic performance of our region and Advantage West Midlands' role in both encouraging investment and promoting the region is paying dividends."