IT'S been a busy year of charity work for Jutexpo, the south Worcestershire based manufacturer of re-usable bags, which has raised £20,000 for the Children’s Liver Disease Foundation.

It’s a cause which is close to the heart of the family run company of Broadway, as four year old Emily Turner, daughter of compliance director Sam Turner and granddaughter of managing director Barrie Turner, was born with the rare and life threatening liver disease, biliary atresia. Following a liver transplant at the age of just six months, Emily is now doing well but the family is grateful for the support it has received from CLDF and keen that it should be available for every family in that situation.

Mr Turner said: "Over the years our reusable bags have helped raise millions for charities and other causes, so it was a logical step to try and turn some of that towards a charity that's close to home. We have been delighted with the enthusiastic way in which our staff, customers and associates have responded to this initiative and we’re really proud to have achieved our fundraising target so quickly. I must give a special mention to Jutexpo’s own singing sensation, Beth Harris, of whom we are very proud. She was the star cabaret at our Big Yellow Ball, wowing the audience with her superb renditions of Proud Mary by Tina Turner, 500 miles by the Proclaimers, Walking on Sunshine by Katrina and the Waves, and many other classic and modern songs.”

The Broadway based team have thrown themselves into a host of fundraising ideas which saw them reach their ambitious £20,000 target ahead of schedule. These included taking part in the autumn Wolf Run, regular dress down Fridays, and a static bikeathon. The highlight of the fundraising year was the company’s Big Yellow Ball, which took place at Worcester’s Bank House hotel in July.The fundraising spirit did not stop inside the company head office as Jutexpo customers, colleagues and professional associates also supported the initiative with some even travelling from India to attend the Big Yellow Ball.

CLDF chief executive Alison Taylor said: "We fight all forms of childhood liver disease by providing families with emotional support, giving much needed information to health professionals, funding vital research and acting as a voice for all affected. To do this, however, we rely heavily on community fundraising which means Jutexpo’s contribution is greatly valued. This is a tremendous total and we are truly grateful to everyone who has played a part.”