WORK will be starting early in the New Year on a 60 home development on a greenfield site in the Vale of Evesham.

Bovis Homes has purchased the eight acre plot of land in Station Road, Salford Priors, which attracted high interest because of its prime location.

Charles D’Auncey, director of property agents Harris Lamb who oversaw the sale, said: “This particular site was in high demand with developers thanks to its prime location. The land lies on the edge of Salford Priors itself and leads to open countryside. It is largely screened from incoming views and is close to a primary school and other village amenities, which makes it ideal for creating a residential community."

The site has already been awarded outline planning consent for 60 properties subject to the developer making a contribution toward youth and adult public open space and health provision, as well as providing 40 per cent of the site to affordable housing allocation.

Mr D'Auncey added: “Following a lengthy hiatus in the housing construction sector, confidence has returned as the economy has improved; something the introduction of the Help To Buy Government initiative in 2013 has helped to escalate. As a result, Harris Lamb has been working with a number of clients to identify suitable land supplies for residential development and liaising with interested developers to secure the sale, planning permission and support site-works where appropriate. The number of designated conservation areas in Salford Priors makes it a very desirable place to live, but available land to build homes to enable that is in scarce supply, making this a rare opportunity for house builders."