A WORCESTER-based Code Club specialist is keen to spread the faith across the county line.

Address management provider, PCA Predict (formerly Postcode Anywhere), which is headquartered in Diglis, wants Herefordshire technology businesses and IT professionals to support CC, which inspires children aged 9-11 to take part in computer programming as an after school activity. Code Club projects are devised to help the youngsters understand how computer games and websites work with an end goal of teaching them how to create their own.

Code Club champion Robert Bilsland, who has been a volunteer for three years, said: "Running a Code Club and being able to share my enthusiasm about computing and coding with the next generation of children is a very rewarding experience. The children that come from the more rural counties, like Herefordshire, are just as switched on to modern technologies as any other child of their age.

"Local Code Club’s are is run by volunteers who teach one project a week. The role of a volunteer is a rewarding one and the events are held in schools, libraries and community settings across the county."

As a growing technology business PCA Predict has been supporting Code Club for more than two years in an effort to help the clubs grow across north and south Worcestershire. As participation levels in the county continues it is hoping Herefordshire schools and businesses will follow suit and take advantage of the benefits the initiative delivers.