CHARLOTTE Mulveagh has been appointed e-commerce manager for the on-line trading site of Countrywide, the farming and rural business supplier based at Defford, near Pershore.

Miss Mulveagh, who lives in Worcester, has more than eight years' experience in web based marketing, will be developing the site.

She said: "I am working in close conjunction with our buying IT warehouse and marketing departments. In order to ensure the continued growth and success of the site, I am spearheading the e-commerce strategy to drive traffic to the site and boost sales, while strengthening the company brand online to raise awareness of the company, its products and services."

Since the launch of the Countywide online trading store, more than 4,300 individual products are now available, with new products being added each week.

Miss Mulveagh added: "Our intention is to grow this online range to more than 6,000 products from our top selling ranges."