HE nearly made his half century, but not quite. Even so, 49 years and three months was a pretty good score for John Vaughan to notch up working for Industrial and Tractor in Worcester.

Usually cycling to work from his home across the city, in good weather and bad, Mr Vaughan was known for his vast experience in tube bending and forming and equally for his good timekeeping and rare absences through ill health.

“John placed Industrial and Tractor high on his list of priorities,” said the company’s managing director Michael Outwin. “He has always been willing to do just that little bit more than he was asked. “He tried, and succeeded, to do the best job he knew how and had a pleasant manner with it. Our company will miss him and I will miss his advice when I do something wrong.”

Since Mr Vaughan, who lives in the Blackpole area of Worcester, joined the company there have been many changes, including its move from premises in Spring Lane and Carden Street to the present headquarters on Diglis Trading Estate. Industrial and Tractor is a leading manufacturer of formed tubes and tube assemblies to customers on four continents and Mr Vaughan has seen old-fashioned machinery replaced by state-of-the-art equipment.

“In addition to technical improvements, John has been responsible for many improvements in the working conditions and safety at work, while encouraging those working for him to give their best,” Mr Outwin added. “We will not lose touch and when he is fed up with retirement we won’t hesitate to offer him his job back.” Although he is leaving, Mr Vaughan has promised to keep in close touch, not least because he needs to continue supervising his son Matthew, who has been with the company a mere 22 years.