DRUGS worth up to £54,000 were discovered by police investigating a disturbance at the home of a Kidderminster man.

Behind a sofa at Nathan Simpson’s flat were 10,862 class C drugs, known as “fake ecstasy” to buyers, Worcester Crown Court was told.

Simpson was keeping them for a drug supplier and was expected to be given £100 for looking after them.

Charles Hardy, prosecuting, said six cannabis plants growing inside a tent in his bedroom were also found on Tuesday, January 11.

Simpson, aged 25, of Avon Road, pleaded guilty to possession of drugs with intent to supply and cultivating cannabis.

Jailing him for 12 months, Recorder Andrew Grubb said that Simpson had given the dealer a key to his flat to stash the drugs for up to three days, but he refused to name him to police.

Simpson had 21 previous convictions – but none for drug crimes – and had been under supervision of the probation service at the time of the discovery for assaulting a police officer.

Cathlyn Orchard, defending, said the cannabis was intended for his own use.