THE mother of a girl trapped in a boy’s body says she has been overwhelmed by the support she has received from Worcester News readers.

The 10-year-old girl, born male, returned to class after the summer holidays as a girl and even chose a new name for herself, as reported yesterday.

The girl, whose identity we have agreed to protect, has had ‘gender dysphoria’ diagnosed by experts in London. This is a rare condition where a person feels they are trapped within a body of the wrong sex.

We revealed how most parents at the Worcester school she goes to were supportive but some had called her a “freak” and she had been the victim of some bullying from children and adults.

The school’s headteacher told other pupils about the girl and her family’s decision at two assemblies last Wednesday, sparking complaints from some parents who believed they should have been notified in writing first.

Speaking yesterday, the girl’s mother said: “I have been so anxious. I’ve had a lack of sleep.

“This morning we picked up the Worcester News. We put our lives and the lives of gender dysphoric children in your hands on Friday.

“I trusted you. I felt I could I trust you. You have done so much for us. Everyone is thrilled by how beautifully and sympathetically you have put it.

“Everyone in the family and all of our friends are so happy. You don’t know what a relief it was when we read it. We have a lot of support out there. I’m speechless.”

The mum said there were always parents at the school who supported her and her daughter and said it had only been “a select few” who had not.

The family was flooded with support on both on our website and our Facebook page here.

Website user Maggie Would, referring to the bullying experienced by the 10-year-old, posted: “Children will be children and can't necessarily be expected to behave in a mature way about matters like this, but adults? Give me strength! Grow up! Hope all is ok for her.”

Future-DJ said: “Some people are so pathetic, I expect the majority of these upset parents got their education from a soap show on TV, shame they didn’t want to be named after making a quote.

“This poor little soul is probably tormented enough inside already without the pathetic prejudice of these other ignorant parents.”

Sophgrunge said: “Well done to all involved, fair play to the school and the parents....and power to the girl....I know how much stress is involved.”

Outside-edge said: “Here, here! What a brave child and loving supportive parents, along with an enlightened and caring headteacher.

“I’m sure nobody makes a decision like this regarding their child without extremely deep thought and worries of the consequences.”