A NEW not-for-profit lettings agency is being launched in Worcester to help landlords and tenants get together to help tackle the city’s homelessness problem.

Landlords are being invited to a launch event for the scheme – called Smartlets – at Worcestershire County Cricket ground next week.

Laura Cockill, who will be working on the project, said: “We will provide advice and support to the landlord when they sign up – guaranteed rent, an insurance policy against damages, regular monthly property inspections, accompanied viewings and a list of tenants waiting to move in so their properties won’t be empty for long.”

The scheme has already won backing from city MP Robin Walker.

“Homelessness remains an important problem in Worcester which is why I am delighted to support this smart new initiative which I hope will help homeless people to get the right homes for them and establish independent lives,” he said.

The scheme has been set up with a £40,000 grant from national homelessness charity Crisis, and extra funding from the city and county councils. It will be run by a full-time team at Worcester Citizens Advice Bureau and Worcester Housing and Benefits Advice Centre based in The Hopmarket and The Old Glove Factory in Lowesmoor.

The scheme is for people who need financial help to get into private rented accommodation. It aims to be attractive to landlords, owners of houses with multiple accommodation or people wanting to rent out a room in their home.

“Support will be available for those who need it and will include pre-tenancy training and a support worker to help people move in and sustain the tenancy,” Ms Cockill said.

Tenants will get help with accessing utility services, budgeting, furnishing the property and anything else they need.

Worcester CAB and WHABAC has a list of tenants already from its drop-in service but can always accept more if there is enough response from landlords in the city. Landlords are invited to the launch event at Worcestershire County Cricket ground in New Road, Worcester, on Thursday, June 9, from 6pm to 8.30pm.