STUDENT protesters made their feelings clear over plans to shut five study centres.

Worcester College of Technology wants to shut half of its study centres to save £100,000.

Thirty students angered by the move gathered outside the college’s All Saints building in Deansway on Tuesday to collect signatures on a petition.

The college is having to cut costs because of a reduction in its government grant.

The centres for travel and tourism, construction, music, sport and engineering would be shut under the plan and staff would be made redundant.

Protester Hannah Butterworth, aged 18, a travel and tourism student said: “If you haven’t got a study centre, you haven’t got the right resources.”

Martin Morse, tutor, said the centres were created five years ago in response to demand.

He said: “We don’t know how the study centres are going to work, we just know there are changes afoot and it’s not necessarily going to be for the benefit of students.”