MEMBERS attended their monthly meeting on April 18 at the Chateau Impney Hotel.

An informal evening had been arranged, which included a lively and entertaining quiz.

Tantalising questions such as the meaning of cainolophobia and the name of the patron saint of housewives prompted much mirth and discussion.

A business session followed during which secretary Pam Plumridge reported on her attendance earlier that month with Margaret Tanner at the Inner Wheel Association Conference in Cardiff. She was thanked by treasurer June Green for providing a detailed and interesting account, which she believed would encourage others to attend such events.

Details of the District Overseas Service Rally on May 19 at Drayton Manor theme park were given by overseas service organiser Lesley Mackenzie. The club’s members continue to provide blankets and knitted items of clothing, as well as other items, which are contributed to various overseas projects including support for the current district overseas service chairman’s charity Aid to Africa.

President Lynda Gillespie thanked members for their support at the Canapes and Puds evening on April 1. It was held at her home and raised funds for the Worcestershire Breast Unit Campaign. Members were reminded of forthcoming events, including fellowship invitations from other clubs and of the next meeting on May 16.

Jill Jennings was again thanked by the club correspondent, on her own and the club’s behalf, for so diligently reporting the meetings during her recent absence.