THE advent of the internet is quite possibly the greatest development in communications since the invention of the Gutenberg press.

At one end of the scale we have images from the latest Third World country to be ripped apart by revolution.

At the other there is that new breed, the newspaper ‘commenter’, almost always crouching low behind a screen of cowardly anonymity.

At first, I had high hopes for this type of audience participation.

Such a shame that the moronic tit-for-tatting that often replaces what should really be considered debate so often clogs newspaper websites. Worst of all, many of the people contributing their invariably fatuous and often offensive comments quite obviously regard English as their second language.

By all means join in but first, could you please log-in to your brain as well as the computer?

*TALKING of morons, the very opposite of this affliction is displayed by regular Worcester News letters writer Peter Nielsen.

Some time ago, I issued a challenge to him, requesting that he clarify certain points about the European Union, an organisation in which he has great faith. He duly obliged and also met me for a drink, proving to be a fine conversational companion. Peter’s no friend of New Labour and with good reason.

He was de-selected as a Worcester council candidate for having the temerity to challenge the official Blairite diktat. Of course, Peter is a proper left-winger and can see straight through the Emperor Miliband’s new clothes. My respect for Peter Nielsen’s loyalty to principles doesn’t mean I’ve changed sides. It just means I value truth and honesty, notions that are a complete anathema to your average Labour activist.