A WOMAN who carried out an unprovoked attack on an unsuspecting victim has avoided jail.

Zoe Hayes, of Rail Ground, Pershore, was given a suspended sentence order for assaulting student nurse Francesca Shellis by beating her.

The incident took place in Broad Street, Worcester, on August 1 last year.

Liam Finch, prosecuting, said the attack was “an unprovoked assault on a stranger”.

In the assault, Miss Shellis had clumps of her hair pulled out, suffered cuts inside her mouth, a lump on her forehead and a scratch on her cheek.

Mr Finch said: “The assault involved a number of punches to the head, her being dragged from the car and being kneed to the head.

“It was unprovoked, the defendant is not at all known to the victim.

“Since the assault, the victim has not been to college and went to A&E for her injuries.”

Hayes, aged 27, pleaded guilty to assault by beating and breaching a conditional discharge at Worcester Magistrates Court.

Mr Finch said Hayes was given the conditional discharge on August 14, 2009, for a public disorder matter.

Mark Turnbull, defending, said Hayes was being treated for bi-polar disorder.

This explained a lot about her behaviour, both on the night of the offence and in previous incidents.

He said: “In interview, she was able to say very little about the incident, as she had very little recollection of it.

“She did recall that someone was abusive to her, but she didn’t know where it had come from and she did accept that she may have been mistaken.

“She very deeply regrets the incident and she struggles to comprehend that she could have behaved in that way.

“She is very much in the early stage of being diagnosed with a mental health problem.

“It is almost as if a light has been switched on and provides an explanation for a lot of her previous offending.

“She reports she’s feeling much happier.”

Hayes was sentenced to 12 weeks in custody, suspended for 12 months and a supervision requirement for 12 months.

She must also pay compensation of £250.