A LEADING allotments representative is hoping that the city council and gardeners can agree on a future which will “benefit everybody”.

Andy Allen, out-going chairman of the city’s allotment forum, chose not to stand again for the position on the independent body which liaises with Worcester City Council.

He said: “I haven’t resigned, I chose not to stand again for selection as chairman. That is to give me more time to focus on my horticultural education at Pershore College.”

Mr Allen said that he would continue to represent the views of allotmentholders at the Green Lane site in Worcester.

“The forum is a good way for allotment representatives and the [Worcester] city council to sort out what needs to be done,” he said. “If we can all sit down and work something out it would benefit everybody.”

The forum is due to meet at the Guildhall tonight to select a new chairman.